Lucy Kane

Top 5 Marketing Tips

Top 5 Marketing Tips

by Lucy Kane, Creative Director at Time & Leisure


Lucy KaneGetting marketing right is important for all businesses, but it can be even more challenging for people in local businesses who are often juggling lots of jobs. 15 years sales and marketing experience at Time & Leisure has given me a valuable insight into what makes successful advertising. So I’ve put together my top 5 marketing tips to help you get a better response from your marketing.


1. KISS – Keep It Simple, Sexy
To make an impact and grab attention, your advert needs one strong clear message.

2. Plan your campaign
Don’t create last minute adverts – plan a year ahead.

3. Target your dream customer profile
Draw a picture of your perfect customer and then target everything you do at them.

4. Repeat, repeat, repeat…
The magic number is 12 – advertise monthly through the year to build trust with the readers and your response will increase significantly.

5. Engage your audience
Don’t let them walk away – tell the reader what to do next and give them a reason to do it.

Read the full article about how to apply these practical tips to your marketing and give your advertising a boost this summer.

If you’d like some further help, check out my one day image makeover, it’s a great way to refresh your look, get new ideas and tune into our readers to make your advertising more effective. It’s a cost effective way to get more out of your marketing budget and save you time.

Have a great summer!

Lucy Kane

Photo courtesy of Andy Newbold

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